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God Answered My Prayers By Giving Me Cancer

Updated: Mar 9, 2023

God has worked wonders in my life and has answered many prayers.

Answered prayers how I hoped and other prayers not quite how I had planned.

God knew I was meant to have cancer. It was apart of my story. And still to this day it’s been some of the hardest days of life. Finding out you have cancer is crippling. I was a 29 year old stay at home mom with 2 young kids and a full life ahead of me. Then boom. The world stopped. The words cancer entered my life and I was terrified.

Then I prayed. I turned to God and the more I thought about it, cancer was a way that God was answering some of the prayers I had prayed for before being diagnosed.

I had prayed for whether or not our family was meant to have more then just 2 kids. I loved being a mom and wanted more. God said, no you are meant to have two. My diagnosis won’t allow me to have anymore kids and it was God’s way of answering my question.

I had prayed for loved ones to come closer to God. How can I reach them? What I can I do to help strengthen their faith? God gave me cancer. He strengthened my faith through it all and then gave me a miracle to show just how powerful He is.

God Answered my Prayers by Giving Me Cancer

He is allowing me to not only reach those loved ones, but has also given me the opportunity to share my story and give Him all the glory! This platform allows me to reach people from all over the world. Not for me, but for Him!

Praise be to God!! Prayer is powerful and no matter where you are today, your prayers are being answered. Big or small, He hears you.

When in doubt PRAY.



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