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Life on Sugarberry

Life on Sugarberry is an insight into my world, the challenges I’ve faced and overcome, my amazing family, my creative outlets and all of the celebrations along the way. Christ has strengthened me in more ways than I ever thought possible. My hope is that Life on Sugarberry can be a light and God's way of using me to reach others.


I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

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How to Support Someone with Cancer

Cancer. A word that no one wants to hear. Not for themselves and not for their loved ones. Helping or supporting someone with cancer is...

God Answered My Prayers By Giving Me Cancer

God has worked wonders in my life and has answered many prayers. Answered prayers how I hoped and other prayers not quite how I had...

My Breast Cancer Journey Part 3: The Miracle

We started with the diagnosis, then talked about my treatment and now here we are, the miracle. I've thought about this day for a long...

My Breast Cancer Journey Part 2: Treatment

If you have been following along with my story, I shared Part 1 last week. I talked about my diagnosis and my experience throughout that...

My Breast Cancer Journey Part 1: The Diagnosis

October 15, 2021. A day that I will remember forever. It all started on July 8th, 2021, when I went in for a routine physical. I thought...

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The creator of
Life on Sugarberry

Hey there, I’m Ally Monda, the creator of Life on Sugarberry. I'm a wife and stay at home mom of 2. I love hosting events, creating fun things for my kiddos and all things pink. I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in October 2021. Despite the diagnosis, I believe that God has an amazing plan for me and my life and I look forward to finding out what He has in store. My life is busy and might be a tad crazy, but I’m excited to share it with you. Thank you for joining me!

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Send me a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can. 

I look forward to hearing from you!


xx Ally

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Life on Sugarberry

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